Time to Talk Ulix: Malifaux Deep Dive

Join Craig and his guest, Reice, as they discuss Ulix for Bayou. What makes the crew work? What are the key hires? What pools do they excel in? How do you counter them? Listen to this and other Tabletop Talk episodes on your favorite pod platform or by clicking here: https://anchor.fm/thirdfloorwars/episodes/Ulix-Bayou-Malifaux-Deep-Dive-with-Reice-Chaudhry—ep–79-eel4rj Continue reading Time to Talk Ulix: Malifaux Deep Dive

Time to Talk Ulix: Malifaux Deep Dive

Join Craig and his guest, Reice, as they discuss Ulix for Bayou. What makes the crew work? What are the key hires? What pools do they excel in? How do you counter them? Listen to this and other Tabletop Talk episodes on your favorite pod platform or by clicking here: https://anchor.fm/thirdfloorwars/episodes/Ulix-Bayou-Malifaux-Deep-Dive-with-Reice-Chaudhry—ep–79-eel4rj Continue reading Time to Talk Ulix: Malifaux Deep Dive

Time to Talk Ulix: Malifaux Deep Dive

Join Craig and his guest, Reice, as they discuss Ulix for Bayou. What makes the crew work? What are the key hires? What pools do they excel in? How do you counter them? Listen to this and other Tabletop Talk episodes on your favorite pod platform or by clicking here: https://anchor.fm/thirdfloorwars/episodes/Ulix-Bayou-Malifaux-Deep-Dive-with-Reice-Chaudhry—ep–79-eel4rj Continue reading Time to Talk Ulix: Malifaux Deep Dive

Time to Talk Dashel Barker

Join Craig as his guests, Adam Talbot and Jesse Watson, dive into Dashel Barker and the Guard keyword. Discover their core crew and the models they flex into. Learn the keyword’s 2nd-level play and what counters them! Catch this episode on your favorite podcasting platform or by clicking here: https://anchor.fm/thirdfloorwars/episodes/Malifaux-Dashel-Barker-Guild-Deep-Dive-with-Adam-and-Jesse—ep-74-edqui1 Continue reading Time to Talk Dashel Barker